Yesterday I picked up the mail while heading into town. While opening Christmas cards a very dear family to us sent a wonderful Christmas card and a check for $2000. My oldest daughter and I began to cry. This family is amazing. They truly have a heart for adoption. In the card it said that each member of their family (8 total) dug deep into their piggy banks to help bring home our little girls from Liberia. What a blessing!
I was able to sell ten goats and one sheep this week. I am a bit sad to see them go but so excited to see the money coming together to bring the girls home.
I spoke with our agency as well as our social worker on Friday. Our agency is very excited and expects, Lord willing to have us ready to travel within two months. Our social worker has sent our homestudy to our agency for approval. We are making a couple of small changes to our homestudy. It is a beautifully written twenty page document expressing our desire to adopt children into our family and show them the love of God. The changes will allow us flexibility as to the number, age and sex of the children we adopt.