Friday our homestudy arrived from Options 4 Adoptions. We had a hold up on our employment verification letter. Now it is all complete and a copy has been sent to the United States Citizenship Immigration Services.
This week we will accomplish a list of items for our dossier. I also have to get a medical waiver to release me from the yellowfever vaccination. Because Abigail is still nursing we are choosing to ask for a medical waiver allowing me to be exempt from the vaccine. Andrew will still get the vaccine, but will also do as much as possible to boost his immune system before hand. We are working with our Doctor to do all that we can to keep us from getting ill while traveling.
We are still working on finishing our fundraising. We know that the Lord will provide the needed money.
Andrew went to the sporting goods store this week to check on prices of soccer balls. We would like to take some dolls and soccer balls to the children in the orphanage. If any of you know a store that would be willing to donate please let me know.