Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Girls may be home soon....

We received more pictures of the girls this week. We were also told that this week adoptions are scheduled to open. Our family is so very excited!! We are starting to make plans to travel should things open up. The pictures of the girls are so amazing. These two little girls weighed 9 pounds at 18 months. I would venture to guess by the pictures they are at least close to the same weight and size as our little Abby, who is also 2 years old.

Pastor Peter in Liberia has commented on what a positive example the girls are for our sponsorship program with Global Orphan Outreach. Both girls were severely malnourished. We started sponsoring them by providing money for food, clothing and medicine. This small amount of money each month has not only kept these girls healthy and alive but has caused them to flourish.

Check out my ww.OurFullHouse.com for pictures of the girls!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Website

Check out our new home on the web!


We Have Hope

The girls may be coming home! Tuesday morning the long awaited meeting finally happened in Liberia. We had representatives at the meeting and they were very encouraged with the news and direction of the Ministry of Health. Christina Tah has vowed to open adoption again and help the orphans.

Sadly we lost three more children from our orphanage last week. On another note we received the medical records for a boy named Joseph. Joseph has an absess on his lung and is in need of a shunt. There are no hospitals that are able to do the surgery in Liberia. We are working to get the surgery donated here in the US. If the surgery is donated by a doctor and hospital Joseph could come to the US on a medical visa. If you know any doctors that might be willing to help please let us know.

For more info on Joseph... www.globalorphanoutreach.blogspot.com/2010/07/joseph.html