Tonight Doug Phillips spoke about children being a blessing. He also talked about how the pill has been used to kill more than 700 million babies, far more than abortion.
Becky Morecraft sung for us, which is always a treat. She told my little ones, who love her CDs, she sings with her sister Judy Rogers, to promote her music and she will make more for them. Abigail especially loves Judy and Becky's songs.
Geoff Botkin spoke on embryology. It was incredible! He used clay to demonstrate how the Lord forms us and how the baby develops in the first 57 days, going from one cell to 1 million cells! I learned a few things that I will share tomorrow.
Now it is after midnight and I am ready for bed. Tomorrow we start again at 8:30!
Oh by the way we have connected with soooo many families that we know and have met over the years. We are tired tonight but having a great time.
Carrie and family: Just found out i could send you a message(Julie). Sounds like you are learning a lot to pass on to us and others. You are all in our prayers for a safe and fun trip. Love to you all and I will keep reading your blog. grandma
That is awesome that you are seeing so many! I am just catching up on things. So glad you guys could go.
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